ID10T with Chris Hardwick
I am Chris Hardwick. This podcast used to be called Nerdist. Now it is not. It is still basically just me talking about stuff and things with my two nerdy friends Jonah Ray and Matt Mira when they’re available, and usually someone more famous and smarter than all of us. Swearing is still fun, so we still do that occasionally. I hope you like this new iteration which is the same as before, but if a name hangs you up unhealthily I’m sure you will not hesitate to unfurl your rage not only in the ‘reviews’ section but also now on all the various social media platforms that have popped up since we started in 2010, effectively murdering blogs.
Nick Kroll

Nick Kroll (The League, Fabrice Fabrice, Bobbie Bottleservice, name rhymes with "Rickroll") got heckled by a grip while auditioning for SNL. He didn't get the job. For this reason, you should feel bad for him and watch his one hour comedy special "Thank You Very Cool," premiering Saturday, January 29th at 10p ET on Comedy Central. Chris, Matt & Jonah were able to suspend a single muon in a makeshift particle accelerator and tear the very fabric of space-time. In the first timestream, these last three sentences didn't exist. They reached backwards through a charged portal and added them just to freak your brain out if you happening to be on strong drugs while reading this. Yes, you. I'M TALKING TO YOU. I'm sure the drugs have kicked in. Now waffle keyhole iron boot!

Direct download: Number_55_-_Nick_Kroll.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:02am EST